
The MGS games that have control options?

in Videos und Screens 04.12.2017 07:16
von Martintaylor | 221 Beiträge

I can't stand "O" having the function of what's typically assigned to "X" on a Playstation controller and other controls that Kojima forces on us in Metal Gear Solid.

In any of the many ports and sequels, do any allow the user to change controls?i don't know why setting up your own button assignments is still not a standard on consoles. I mean one by one, each button, not shifting between presets. You don't have that on PC, they'll hunt you down. So I'd check to see if there's a PC version. Even if the vanilla doesn't offer it, I'm sure there's a mod out there that allows you to do it.

Please Help.

Thanks !

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

References: https:// w.g espot.com/forums/gam discussion-1 00/any-m mes-that- ontrol-optio #5

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