
What is Han Solo's lineage?

in Videos und Screens 04.12.2017 07:11
von Martintaylor | 221 Beiträge

All right, one thing that has always bugged me about Star Wars is that Han Solo is not really explained all that much.

We found out about the Skywalker family's tree, how Anakin became Darth Vader but only after knocking up a princess and giving birth to twins. We know Kenobi's history (though not his ancestry) and how he came to play his role.

But Han Solo just sort of appeared. We don't know anything about his genetic makeup, who his parents were. I think the only concrete knowledge of his history is that he was A.) a street orphan on Correlia, B.) grew up around ships and became good at it, and C.) ran into our force-using heroes and royalty and the rest is history.

Please Help.

Thanks !

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.

References: http /www.g pot.com/forum cussion-314

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