Noticed double sockets with integrated USB charging ports becoming popular.My next rewire customer has asked for a few of them to be fitted.
I have just read the ESC report on the testing of various products\brands and it doesnt give much faith in them at present.
For example, the report says that USB sockets have not been allocated any standard code yet like BS1362 as an example, that they may have to be product compatible ie; an approved Apple socket for example as the report says at one point that some socket\USB chargers have damaged their Iphones and the like.
So, anybody fitted these with no call backs or problems but basically is it worth just hanging on a few more months and wait to see what happens with the USB products.
Opinions please....
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
http://www.theiet.org/forums/forum/mess … adid=63973
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