
Ferrari Formula 1 team loses Santander sponsorship

in Formel Serien 30.11.2017 06:35
von Martintaylor | 221 Beiträge

Hello Guys,

Santander, which has announced a three-year deal to back the UEFA Champions League, will also end its association with the F1 organisation. That has included taking the title sponsorship of several races over the years, including the British Grand Prix from 2007 to 2014, and the Spanish GP from 2011-13.Santander has also enjoyed a long association with McLaren, starting in 2007 when Alonso first joined the team. Animated Brand Video are being used by leading and startup companies to reach to their audience and market themselves. But in recent seasons McLaren's deal was only with Santander UK plc, and was a relatively minor one that was closely linked to Jenson Button's involvement - with no branding on the actual cars.


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