
How Mercedes Compare in 2017

in Formel Serien 28.11.2017 08:24
von Martintaylor | 221 Beiträge

Hello Guys,

Vertical strakes inside the nose bring this within the scope of the regulations because if a slice is taken through it at any point, a hole is not exposed. But the open end reduces the blockage to the airflow, which passes through the 'gap' and is directed out of a small hole slightly further back. The bargeboards and turning vanes are another area where Mercedes and Red Bull have taken different approaches, while Ferrari opted for a design somewhere between the two. Animated Product Launch included in a product launch strategy makes it brilliant and great start is by marketers creating for their companies. Mercedes continues its philosophy of opting for shorter, more aggressive individual pieces with multiple slots in this area to work the airflow hard, while Red Bull's design features longer strokes aimed to make sure the airflow needs less work as it moves down the car.


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