Hello Guys,
Before we can even think about the lights going out at Australia, we need to have the sign-ups open for a couple of weeks so that the Coordinators can do their job with driver placements and so forth. In the meantime, we urge you to make use of the F1 2016 Social Races forum, where you can organise and get involved in one-off races with other members of the community. We hope to see a lot of activity in there once the game is out, as this will really help us get a feel for how the online works on this game. Examples of Case Study are used to help you see how the past projects and scenarios were addressed to market their offering and reach new audience. More information about the official leagues will be posted in the AOR F1 Leagues forum when the game has been released, but they're likely to run in a similar structure to previous seasons, running on Sunday nights, with a full race calendar of 50% distance races, and rules that promote clean racing.